Monday 23 June 2014


Posted By: Unknown - Monday, June 23, 2014


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What is Computer Hacking? 
Well fellas, many of us are eager in  learning Hacking, Well what does Computer  Hacking actually mean, Is it a spam?  or something more than that.
 In a Cyber world, many of us are Insecure, the person who is able to view or discover your weakness in a system and manged to exploit it to accomplish his goal, is referred as Hacker and the process is referred to Hacking.
Nowadays people started thinking and talking about facebook hacking, and is the only type of hacking, well I have few few disgracing look on them and I pity them.
Facebook is also a part of hacking Field but is not only meaning of Hacking, nor its not the main part of Hacking. Well "Stark I will walk out with a mark" .

Well what actually Hacking means, what should I do to become a Hacker, Dont worry Stark we( Hacking and blogging trickers) will figure you out with a mark, but the main thing you need to pay us is Self- Interest.
Now see you in next topic of Hacking, keep visiting with Self interest in your Pockets..
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